1955-1956 Yearbook

Bohemian Club _ ROW ONE: Wiley Parker. Cissie Blake. Jennie Gentry, Gail Claunch, El eanor Weaver . Eula Holloway, Will Parker. ROW TWO: Freddie Rogers. Pat Stine, Joanne Hartman . Anna Duckworth. Mrs. Mason. TilE BOIIEMIAN CLUB, under the co-sponsorship of Mrs. Perry Mason and Mr. Herb Dean. strives to further interest and study in visual arts. Activities durinp; th e yea r included an art exhibition. th e anllual "Costume Ball" attended hy mcrnhers disguised as works of art. and a trip to Brooks ;\lrmnrial Art Gallery in Memphis. Tenn . Camera Club _ Evelyn Lawrence. Jackie Anguish, Paula Rickard, Ray Bailey. Tom Smith, NOl'man Dykes. Walla ce Alexander. John Ingalls. Larry Bills. Dennie Hall. Lester Parmenter, Richard Hawkins. Walt Gilfilcn. TI-Ji£ CAMERA CLUB, designed to promote interest and ski ll in photography, is sponsored by Prof. eil B. Cope. Photography techniques and practices were discussed and demonstrated at club meetings. Two snapshot contests and a field trip to Petit Jea n were the club's activities for the year . Pen and Parchment _ Ronald Harrist . Jane Wade, Herb Stewart. Calvin Downs, Ruby Nell Bobbitt, Barbara Galyan, Betty Marshall . NOT PICTURED: Nona Williams, CharlES Pittman , James Atteberry. PE A 0 PARCHMENT, campus literary club. has as it's purpose that of futhering interest in writing and literature. Membership is determined by submission of an original manuscript. judged by club members and sponsor, Prof. James Alleberry. The purpose of the bi-monthly meetings is to discuss and criticize the work of members. 45