Los Rancheros - ROW ONE: Bonnie Cates, Wanda Adair, Kay Wilson, Jane Lewis, Marie Cuellar. ROW TWO: Eula Holloway. Janiece Helm, Carroll Dunkin . Hilda Milligan, Gordon Teel. ROW THREE: Joe Cuellar, Bill Stafford, Eddie Morphis, Jack Meredith, Dr. Russell Lewis, John WhitC'. Debaters - Bill Floyd. Don Humphrey. Duane McCampbell. NOT PICTURED: Bobby Coker. Clubs For Service, Study, And Activity To bettcr acquaint the mcmbcrs with thc Latin Amcrican lanp;uagc and customs, thc LOS RANCHEROS startcd two new wcekly Spanish classes in addition to the ones alrcady mccting. Under the dircction of Joc Cucllar and Brothcr Gordon Tcel, thc classcs viewcd film s and hea rd r eports on "south of the border" customs;" all reports wcrc given in Spanish. The annual Mex ica n dinncr, with students attcnding in Latin Amcrica n dress, climaxcd the year's activity. THE HARDING DEBATE SQUAD made six trips thi s ycar, partic ipatinl'," in intercollcgiatc debates and othcr spccch ac tivitics. Thi s_ one of thcir most successful ycars, saw thc Squad take sccond pla ce in the University of Arkansas Invita tional Tournament. The Scnior team wcnt to thc finals in the Mid-South Tou rnament, while Bill Floyd won first pla cc in the Junior Men's Oratorical Contcst at Baylor U ni vcrsi ty . TilE STUDENT HEALTil COUNCIL is madc lip of prc-med and pre-nursing studcnts, a r cprcsentativc of each socia l club. and allyone else intercs ted in a hctt cr hea lth prop;t·am for th e coll egc. Sincc its orl',"anization last ycar the Counci l has de,·eloped definit e' aillls and purpuse's. two of which are the promotion of bettc r hca lth on the campll s and the organization of dormitory cOIllmittces [01" first aid. Thc p; roup 's sponsor is :\1rs. Mable Frenc h. Student Health Association - ROW ONE: Sue Gary, Il eta Buchan an, Jennie Gentry, Andee King. ROW TWO: Ann Berry, Patsy Smith , Betty Clark, Rheba Jo Berryhill, Nancy Knott , Charlene Ha rris. Jane Lewis, Mrs. French. Margaret Chafin . ROW THREE: Jimmy Howard. Harold Sisco, Jimmy Williams. Stan Schwartz, Alvin Cashon. Dale Essary. Louis Eckstei n. Lenore Felix, Jim Borden. 44 • .. . - m . ,,, I .. I m I