1955-1956 Yearbook

Science Club - ROW ONE: B. Claunch, J. Borden. ROW TWO: S. Gary, R. Harrist, L. Parmenter, A. Northcut, M. Lawson, M. Shupe, J. Enochs, R. Bailey. ROW THREE: N. Dykes, R. Goforth, L. York. J . Westjohn, J. Hightower, J. Ingalls, F. Caldwell, D. Combs. rests THE SCIE CE CLUB was organized to further scientific education among students. At their meetings films, demons trations, lectures by professionalleaders, and talks by members of the club on different phases of science were presented. Other activities during the year included a field trip to the Aluminum Company of America at Bauxite and the presentation of exhibits at the Arkansas Junior Academy of Science convention. THE CIRCLE K CLUB is a , . men s serVlce organization sponsored by the Searcy Kiwanis Club and has proved to be an outstanding asset to the campus and community. Among the various services rendered by this Circle K Club - ROW ONE: Dennie Hall, Maurice Baldwin, Russell Lewis, Doyle Helms, Earl Moss, Norman Dykes, Richard Gee. Larry Bills. ROW TWO: Charlie Weeks, Carlon Southerland, Burl Hogins, Lyman Turley, Bob Petty, Bill Dismuke Walt Gilfilen, Ronald Goforth, Lyndal York. . organization during the year included providing ush ers for each lyceum program, giving the case in the gym for the di splay of intramural sports winners, and presenting a weekly radio program which featured Harding student talent. In connection with national Safe Dri ving Day, the club also presented a series of radio programs. THE BIG SISTERS, arriving early in the fall, greeted tile new girls and helped them to become adjusted to college life. Initial cOntact with the girls is by correspondence during the summer months. After school begins, the "sisters" work in every way possible to help the students become orientated tu Harding. Big Sisters - ROW ONE: Sally Rogers, Cathy Sample, Janiece Selby, Hel en Porterfield , Mary Dunn, Yvonne Niceswanger, Patsy Parker. Jan Kimple , Margaret Hardy. Elizabeth Lansdon. ROW TWO: Marilee Coker, Gloria Shewmaker, Jackie Jones, Lorene Smith. Mrs. Inez Pickens, Mrs . Edwina Wilson, Barbara Ethridge. Loretta Lee. 39