Home Ec Club - ROW ONE: Annette Hendrix, Marilyn Fields. Hilda Milligan, Nina Harvey. ROW TWO: Betty Marshall , Mrs. Guy Thompson. Mrs. S. A. Bell , Peggy Robertson. ROW THREE: Jack ie Anguish , Joy Edwards, Nancy Starr, Lois Coburn. Mary Hill. German Club - ROW ONE: Bill Sightes. Eugene Bailey, Dick Richardson. Merlen Ward, Bob Claunch. ROW TWO: Ray Bailey, Jerry Westjohn, Leslie Burke. Tillie Watson. These Groups Reflect Stude Under the capable leadership of Mrs. S. A. Bell, the HOME ECONOMICS CLUB carried out their theme of "Handicrafts" during every meeting. The highlight of the year was the awarding of a certificate to the most outstanding girl in home economics. This spring the members attended a four day workshop at Arkansas State Teachers College, and the club was honored in having Nina Harvey elected as the state secretary at the annual convention in Little Rock . The purpose of the GERMAN CLUB is to increase student interest in German customs, the people, their language and culture. The club accomplishes its purpose by corresponding with the people of Germany, hearing speeches and records by German students on campus, and seeing movies of the country. This group is under the direction of Prof. Leslie Burke. The purpose of the FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA is to create interest and understanding in the teaching profession. Work got underway this year with a chapel program, "Gripo Barks Show," which began the annual membership drive that culminated in a membership of 135 - a record for the Florence Cathcart Chapter. Edsel Hughes, chapter president, served as state reporter at the Arkansas FTA convention held in Little Rock in the early spring. FTA. picture one - ROW ONE: D. Hickenbottom, E. Walston, B. Harris. A. Degenhart. V. Dykes. D. Darling, S. Blake. G. A. Gilfilen. ROW TWO: D. Stokes. M. Holton. S. Paxson. E. Lawrence, M. Dunn, M. Buchanan, W. Dicstlckamp. C. Kicl , J . Holton , R. Seal. ROW THREE: C. Weeks, E. Hughes. J. White. J . Segraves, L. Stone, D. Combs, R. Coble, J. Hall, L. Bills. ROW FOUR: B. Hogan, H. Stewart. J. Ingalls. D. Richa rds. C. Grubbs. M. Bates, B. Craddock. P ictu re two - ROW ONE: J. Edwards. S. McWilliams, M. Fields. C. Grable G. Claunch, D. Wakham. R. Thompson , S. Fort. ROW TWO: E. Holloway, C. Duncan, D. S. Jones, M. Carlon. R. Johnson , H. Milligan N. Pate, E. Foren, D. L. Jones. ROW THREE: J . Redwine, V. Bak E- r, R. Jones, F. Rutherrord, E. Lansdon, B. Bunch , P. Parker, 0 Laird. ROW FOUR: A. Berry, B. Floyd , J . Hightower, J. Meredith , V. Weare. 38