• Students interested in music find the courses they need offered a t Harding. The Music Department provides opportunities in the music field through classwork and outside activiti es. Students desiring to learn about music may obtain thi s knowledge by studying in music theory classes, music appreciation classes, and through private vocal or instrumental lessons. Opportunities for singing are made ava il - able throup;h the Hard ing A Ca ppella Ch orus and the Harding Chorale. The A Cappella Chorus delivered spiritua l messages and pleasure on their five trips. Recording for 178 stations in 41 states, Alaska and Canada, the chorus sang their way into the hearts of the nation. Harding enjoyed music sung by the Chorale duri ng the Lectureship, a program of Christmas Carols, and a spring concert. Four professiona l Lyceum Concerts were presented on the Harding stage during the year. Dr. Moore giving private voice lesson to Alan. This is just one of the many fields in which Harding's students may im. prove themselves by practice and expert instruction. Dr. Joe taking care of the technical end of recording songs by the small chorus; just one of his many duties. A wide variety of songs, secular and religious, are used. Last minute rehearsal - traveling under extremely tight schedules the chorus members must rehearse. eat, sleep and study when ever and wherever time will permit. Fall chorus trip - Owen scratches, Harold contemplates study. Jerry looks bewildered, and O. D. seems sleepy; all are typical chorus trip reactions - except Harold's.