1955-1956 Yearbook

• • • A GOOD NEIGHBOR Producer of more than 70 Pttro/tum and Chnnita/ products for Transportation, Industry and Agriculture, Lion Oil Company is proud of its leading role in the development of the South's industrial potential. Lion sends to market each year the equivalent oC more than 65,000 railway carloads of products from its three manufacturing plants in Arkansas and Louisiana. It pay. approximately SI7,500,OOO yearly to 3,000 employees in wages and benefits, and it pays another 517,000,000 in taxes. Altogether, Lion puts nearly SIOO,OOO,OOO into cIrculation annually throughout its territory. Industrial development is going ahead in the South on a bigger scale than ever before. Lion Oil Company continues to lead the way with the most advanced methods of manufacturing, finding and producing' vital Taw materials, and in scientific research. The result: more jobs, better products for consumers, conservation of resources and more efficient use of those resources. No wonder that to Southerners, the Sign of the Lion hili truly become the Sign of • Good Ntighbor! LION OIL COMPANY A DIVISION OF MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY EL DORADO, ARKANSAS 208