1955-1956 Yearbook

STAR - ROW ONE: Scotty Knight, Marion Jones, Ruth Coburn. Ruth Simmons. ROW TWO: Gail Black, Patsy Snyder, Wendy Rhodes, Georgia Cain, Nancy Knott . Mrs. Andy Ritchie. NOT PICTURED: Martha French, Be th French, Gloria Durham. This year the S.T.A.R. club had six pledges to initiate into the club. The fonnal initiation was the traditional candlelight service held at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Andy Ritchie. The informal initiation was also held at the home of Mrs. Ritchie, around a campfire in the back yard. Early in the year they really went to work on the banquet plans, STARs Use "Stars Shine In Dreamland" Theme Fall Spring Bettie West .. President . ........ Lou Alice Martin Marcia Van Sandt .. Vi ce-President .. Marcia Van Sandt Lou Alice Martin Secretary-Treasurer .. Bettie West Aileen Wilbur .. Deb-at -Arms ....... Bettye Fogarty Pat Street . ... Hi storian ........ Aileen Wilbur Mrs. Guy Vanderpool ........... Sponsor and decided to have it on February 28, at the Mayfair. The theme of "Dreamland" was carried out. A "Dreamgirl" was elected to reign over the banquet. Brother Gordon Teel was the speaker, and Ruth Simmons provided the entertainment at the piano. Later on in the spring the S.T.A.R. Club had their annual outing. Three "Stars" twinkling in the sunlight.