1955-1956 Yearbook

Wonder if these "Kats" have nine lives? The Kappa Alpha Theta Club pledges can always be spotted by their maroon and white beanies and their skinned knees (from falling at the mention of the word Air-raid! ) There were three K.A.T. pledges this year. At the rough initiation the pledges entertained the club members. They told ghos t stories around the camp fire while roasting weiners Air Raid Means Ac~ion For KATs Fall Spring Bettye Ritchie ........ President Claudette DuBois Faye Berry Vice-President Charlene Harris Claudette DuBois . Secretary-Treasurer .. Lois Robertson Lois Robertson Kitten-at-Arms ........ Faye Berry Jane Lewis. .. Historian . .. ........ Jane Lewis Clarajane Lappo Reporter Marilyn Davis Mary Etta Grady .. ........... ......... Sponsor and drinking cokes. The formal initiation was held at Charlene Harris' home. The pledges repeated their vows in a candlelight service. For the banquet Paris filled the air. The theme was "Parisienne Fantasy." Richard Andrejewski was the speaker. To get things off to a good start the club had a slumber party at Charlene Harris ' home early in the year. KAT - ROW ONE: Lois Robinson, Jane Lewis, Charlotte King, Mary Etta Grady, J'Nevlyne Tunnicliff, Rosalind King. 'ROW TWO: Linda Graddy, Nita Kissire, Bettye Ritchie, Claudette DuBois, Char lene Harris. Faye Berry, Clarajane Lappo, Marilyn Davis. 183