1955-1956 Yearbook

Wagon Wheels Make A Western Atmosphere Mavis Baldwin ........ .... ... .. ........ ........... .. . PTesident Johnny Berryhill ..... .. ........ ........ .. .. .. Vice-PTesident Jimmy Williams .. ...... .... ....... ........ . Secretary-Treasurer Roy Vanderpool ... ............................ SeTgeant-at-Arms Mr. Hugh Groover ... ...... ...... ..... ... SponsoT The K-9 Club is the oldest of the high school boys' clubs. It was originally called the Nine Knights because of its nine members, but it is now the largest club in the Academy. This year the K-9's had an informal cowboy banquet, the theme of which was "Wagon Whee)s." The Legion Hut added to the western atmosphere. The hip;h school boy's quartette If '"t 0 u ,", OU r prc.ye, !. n n-:. w c rcd uUSTLt. ! Sound advice from K-9 members. provided the entertainment. Later in the year they took time off from the rush of school work for the annual spring outing, which was held April 30, at Pettit Jean. There were twenty-seven pledges this year , part of which later formed a new boys' club. One of the main events of the informal initiation was the track meet held with the ZKT pledges. K-9 - ROW ONE: Charles VanWinkle, Mavis Baldwin , Chris Dean, Timmy Rhodes , Carlon Burke , Dal e Essary, ROW TWO: Mr. Hugh Groover, Lee Full er, Donnie Berryhill , Johnny Berryhill , Don Hay es. Bob Wallace. Jimmy Jackson. ROW THREE: Harold Valentine. Charles Davis, Angelo Padilla, Joe Salling, Jim Howard, Johnny Gibbons. Jim Adkins. ROW FOUR: Gera ld Casey, Sam Kitching, Roy Vanderpool , Calvin Conn , Jimmy Williams, Charles Mart in , Jim McLeod. NOT PICTURED: Tommy Dwyer. Bob Cope, Bill Williams, Jack Rhodes . 182