1955-1956 Yearbook

The Administration Renders George Stu art Benson, presiden t of Harding Coll ege for 20 year s, h as gu ided Ha rding in achieving its presen t high sta nda rds. A g radua te of H ard ing College and Okl ahoma A and M , he holds the M. A. degree from th e Uni ve rsity of Chi cago and hono ra ry degrees from Kn ox College and Ha rd ing College. Returning to the United Sta tes in 1936, a fter ser ving 11 yea rs as a missionar y in China, h e accepted th e position he now holds. By the additi on of new buildings, increasing sa la ri es, assembling a strong facul ty, develop ing a School of Ameri ca n Studies and the gr aduate school of Bi bl e and educa ti on, Dr. Benson has wea tl y improved the pos iti on of th e college. Although hi s ma jor concerns h ave been the church and Harding Coll ege, Dr. Benson has a lso made valua bl e contributions to Arkansas and the na ti on . H is exampl e, tha t of a God-fea rin g man li ving a dy nami c Chri st ia n life, is an in spira ti on to all. George Stuart Benson, M.A., LL.D., President of the College . William KnOll: Summitt, Ph .D., Reg~ istrar, Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Department. Frank L. Holmes, Ph .D., Adminis trative Consul tant ; Director I School of American Studies; Professor of Economics, Busi ness and Poli tical Science. 16 Inez Pickens, B.A., Dean of Women and Director o f Patt ie Cobb Hall .