1955-1956 Yearbook

Debate Club - ROW ONE: Ruth Simmons, Linda Graddy, Mrs. HaUie Vanderpool, Wendy Rhodes. ROW TWO: Calvin Conn, Don Hayes, Alvin Cashon, Dorsey Tynes, Sam Kitching, John Gibbons. Debate Offers Improvement Of Speaking Ability The DEBATE CLUB, meeting every Monday night during the school year, is composed of students interested in improved public speaking, with debate being especially stressed. Activities of the year included debating with other schools and participation in the Mid-South Debate Contest at Memphis. Also, the club preMembers of the Harding Academy's debate team preparing to leave on another trip, preeeeded by many hours of research. 169 sented a chapel debate, "Should Harding College Have Inter-Collegiate Football ." Applicants for membership are accepted only after they have staged a debate. Officers are: Calvin Conn, pres.; Sam Kitching, vice-pres.; Alvin Cashon, sec.-treas.; and Dorsey Tynes, reporter. Debate Team - Alvin Cashon, Dorsey Tynes, Sam Kitching, Calvin Conn.