Quartet - Roy Vanderpool, Gerald Casey, Harold Valentine, Timmy Rhodes. In The Academy's Music The Academy has one musical organization of which anyone may become a member - the LARGE CHORUS. Formed with the idea of improving congregational singing as well as giving students a musical background, the organization also serves as a training group for the small chorus. Participation in chapel singing is one evidence of the success of this group. Although taking no tours, as the other Sextet - Jane Lewis, Loi s Robertson, Bettye Ritchie, Charlene Harri s, Claudette DuBois, Marilyn Davis. Program chorus, this was the group's second year in helping interested students improve their singing. After meeting for over a semester, the organization participated in a joint concert with the Harding Band, the Harding A Cappella Chorus, and the Harding Chorale on February 17. Approximately sixty students, directed by Mr. Eddie Baggett, make up this group. Large Chorus - ROW ONE: R. J . Berryhill , R. Coburn, R. Simmons, J. Lewis, G. Cain, C. Lewis, P. Snyder, C. King, B. Fogarty, A. Martin, M. Davis, L. Robertson, R. King, J . Tunnicliff. ROW TWO: N. Kissire, A. Wilbur, B. Ritchie, N. Knott , L. Black, P. Street, L. Graddy, C. Harris, N. Banowsky, C. DuBois, M. Van Sandt, W. Rhodes, C. Lappa, S. Knight, F. Berry. ROW THREE: C. Martin, J . Jolliff, C. VanWinkle, T. Rhodes, D. Berryhill, R. Kissire, B. Davis, B. Wallace, G. Casey, L. Robertson, J. Moritz, M. Baldwin, L. Rhodes, C. Burke. ROW FOUR: B. Camp, D. Hayes, R. ,Cope, H. Valentine, D. Tynes, G. Van Hooser, B. Barrentine, D. Davis, R. Vanderpool, B. Williams, P. Williams, C. Conn, J. Rhodes, J . Gibbons, A. Paddilla. ROW FIVE: A. Cashon, J. Williams, J . McLeod, J. Howard.