1955-1956 Yearbook

The Tofebt's had a beautiful initiation for their pledges. The home of sponsor Mrs. Jim Atkinson w,\s the scene oC the Cormal ceremony which initiated eleven new members into the ToCebts. The year' s activities got off to a roaring start, and included a banquet entitled "In a Venetian Cafe." The Mayfair Hotel was the site oC this gala affair, and January 14 the date. Member Patsy Smith entertained the They Provided ~ducation For A Japanese Student Fall Spring Anna Duckworth .. .. President ....... .. Marilee Coker Shirley Alexander .... Vice-President .... Janiece Helm Janiece Helm ........ Secretary ........ Mary Ann Hopper Mary Ann Hopper ........ Treasurer ........ Nad.ine Tyler Patsy Smith .. .......... .... Reporter .............. Carroll Dunkin Mrs. Jim Atkinson ...... ............... ......... ........... . Sponsor club at a bunking party during the year at the "Park Avenue Pen thouse." The traditional tin-can supper was another delightful activity experienced in the spring semester. As· a project, the Tofebts engaged the co-operation of other clubs in raising money to pay for the education of one student at Ibaraki Christian College for one year. Tofebt - ROW ONE: Maggie Jenkins, Wanda Gwin , Shirley Alexander , Betty McNutt. Betly Haney , Sara Jo Fontaine. ROW TWO: Linde Kurley, Sue Billingsley, Marilee Coker. Patsy Smith , Jeannette Tipton, Sandra Collins. ROW THREE : Janiece Helm, Margie Cannon, Nadine Tyler, Anna Duckworth , Mary Ann Hopper, Carroll Dunkin, Mrs. Jim Atkinson . 149