TNT ~red: Sports Bulletin Board Bob Claunch .............. .... . Walt Gilfilen Fred Riemer Glenn Parish Buster Glover Harold Norwood and John Townsdin ....... . Cecil Beck and Dr. Joe Pryor ......... ... ................. President ......... Vice-President ..................... Secretary ................... Treasurer ......... Reporter-Historian Athletic Directors Sponsors There were eighteen pledges this year. Washing venetian blinds and calling pledgemasters "Mister" were some of the pledging duties. The initiation was held in one of the barns out at the college farm. The American Legion Hut was the site of the annual Cowboy Party. TNTers and dates ate barbecued chicken. The year's activities were varied - stag TNT's have plenty reason to be proud of their club project. outings to Wyldewood and Bee Rock, club meetings in the swimming pool, and sessions in the gym. Petit Jean was the site for their spring outing, and the outing proved to be another in the series of interesting activities. For their project the club erected the Intramural Sports bulletin board, and brought stones for the walks from Little Red River. TNT - ROW ONE: Jim Shurbet, Odis Clayton, Gary Blake, Jane Claxton, Tom Smith, Richard Hawkins, Bud Tucker. ROW TWO: Bob Claunch, Lester Parmenter, Ronald Harrist, Fred Riemer. Thurman Alexander, Jim Winfrey, Bobby Glover. RQW THREE: Travis Turman, Neal Reeves, Bob Blake, Buster Glover. Robert McCormick, John Davis, Gerald Gwin. ROW FOUR: Don Ruckman, Ken Getter, Herman Alexander, Walt Gilfilen, J. D. Cash, Bill Cloud, Glenn Parish, Dr. Joe Pryor. NOT PICTURED: John Townsdin, Jim Ellis, Doug White, Tom Evans, Harold Norwood, Mr. Cecil Beck. 148