Sub-T's at usual gathering place - coke box in the Inn. The traditional informal initiation was held at the Sub-T's cabin to give the pledges a warm welcome into the club. After the initiation, the old members treated the fifteen new members to "sloppy Joes" and cold drinks. The Sub-T's held their "International Cruise" at the Legion Hut on February 3. This event was one of the most interesting on the Anchors Away For A n Int:ernat:ional Cruise Ed Gurganus ... .. .................. .................. ... .... . SkippeT Guy Vanderpool ............... ... .... ... .... ...... First Mate Benny Sanders ............. .............................. Second Mate Jerry Perrin .. ....... ... ..... .... ................. ... ... QuartermasteT Herb Dean .......... ........ ... .. ........... .... ........... ....... Admiral Harding calendar. Each member and his date came dressed as the country he chose to represent on the cruise. Other club activities included football, baseball, and basketball games and stag outings. The club project is to place a bust of C. L. Ganus, Sr., in the Student Center. Miss Iva Lou Langdon was chosen Sub-T nominee for Petit Jean Queen. Sub T-16 - ROW ONE: Bill Matthews, John McLane, Benny Sanders, Iva Lou Langdon, Boyd Garner, James Morphew, Dwight Beavert. ROW TWO: Keith Boler, Don Humphrey, John Vanderpool. Tommy Wofford, Joe Hightower, Garrett Timmerman, Burl Cooper, Ed Gurganus. ROW THREE: Weldon Hendrix, John Thornton, Guy Vanderpool, Herbert Dean, Rayburn Knight, John Vanwinkle, Harold Vanderpool, Lee Winters. NOT PICTURED: Guy McHand, Jerry Perrin , Joe Maxwell, Baxter Covington, Dale Flaxbeard, Jim Bryant, Marvin Garner, James Hodges, Willard Davis. 146