1955-1956 Yearbook

MEA - ROW ONE: June Shurbet, Shirley Williams, Dorthy Hall, Carolyn Ainsworth, Grace Ann Gilfi len, Martha Crowell. ROW TWO: Mary Ann Vaughn, Myrna Costlow, Johnnie Vaughn, Shirl een Austin, Shelby Overman. ROW THREE: Barbara Ethridge, Zena Street, Louise McAlister. Johni ce Young. Patricia Young, Annie Berry. NOT PICTURED: Jean Dalton, Martha Jenkins. Ruby Coffey, Jane Wall. cr, Mrs. Jim Atteber ry, Glenda Moore. For their 1956 formal banquet, a magic carpet whisked all the MEA's and their lucky dates right off to Hawaii . This was only one of a series of interesting events crowding the calendar for the \955-56 school year. It all got off to a good start with pledge week. MEA's were fortunate to have twelve pledges to perform for them during the hectic Mr::.As Have Hawaiian Theme For Banquet Fall Spring Dorothy HRn President .... Johnnie Vaughn June Shmbet.. .... Vice-President . .... Barbara Ethridge Barbara Ethridge ...... Secretary .. Mary Ann Vaughn Zena Street ............ Treasurer . ........ Shelby Overman Pat Young ............ Reporter ..... Grace Ann Gilfilen Jean Dalton ............. ............ Historian Mrs. Jim Atteberry . .............. .. ............. Sponsor week. The pledges became " real" members after both a formal and informal initiation. The club stages its spring outing on May 14, at Petit Jean State Park. During Christmas time, the home of sponsor, Mrs. Jim Atteberry, was the scene of a gay party. All in all the MEA's can be said to have had a highly successful year! MEA's discuss club activities in the student center.