1955-1956 Yearbook

Eight Koinonias and Frances Ann, their sweetheart. For the Koinonias, 1956 has been a r ed-letter year. I t marked their Twentieth Anniversary . The club members and their dates celebrated the event at the club's banquet held at the Rendezvous on February 11. The theme was "Stupid Prints" and the highlight of the evening was the presenta tion of the traditional Hsweetheart sweater" to Miss Frances Koinonia Club Celebrates 20th Anniversary Dudley Spears .. .. ..... ............ . Byron Futrell Mason Andres Warren Snyder Richard Walker ......... .. President ........... .. .. Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer ....... Bulldog .... ..... .. .. ...... ..... .. Sponsor Gou ld . Nine pledges were initiated informally at the airport at the beginning of the school year. Their annual spring ou ting took them to Pocahontas where Byron was host to the members and their dates at his cabin on the l ake. Among the talented of the group were George Oliver and Dudley Spears who added their abil ities to the popular Blue Beats. Koinonia - ROW ONE: Glenn Kelley, Byron Futrell, Ph il Futrell, Larry Waters, Ray Bedford, Richard Walker. ROW TWO: Harvey Peebles. Jim Gainey, Bud Comer, Quinn Waters. Warren Snyder, Charles Hare, Paul Sullivan . ROW THREE: Dale Allison, Tom Brown, Mason Andres. Dudley Spears. Bill Stafford, Jim Holleman, George Oliver. 138