L. C. Project pays off for the Seniors. Know where the big senior class composite picture in the Science Hall comes from every year? That is the Las Companeras' annual project. The BJ'Oup was enlarged this year by fifteen new member.; . These new ones were initiated by a formal initiation in the home of sponsor Mrs . M. L. Lawson . "Winter Enchantment" set the scene for the L . C.'s Winter Wonderland Of Snowflakes For L. C. Banquet Fall Spring Edna Walston .... ...... President .......... Alice Degenhart Cleone Kiel .......... Vice-President .......... Edna Walston Gloria Shewmaker .. Secretary-Treasurer .. Ann Combs Louise Shultz .......... Reporter .......... Ruby Nell Bobbitt Alice Degenhart ........ Historian ........ Gloria Shewmaker Mrs. M. L. Lawson ........................................... ... Sponsor winter banquet on January 14. Highlight of the evening was the campusology exam given to the dates. When April 30 rolled around, members and their dates spent the day at Petit Jean State Park enjoying their spring outing. Old members got in a bunking party before pledge week, and after pledge week, everybody enjoyed the big hamburger supper Lu Companeras - ROW ONE: Rosalie Stills, Pat Hanson, Ruby Nell Bobbitt, Claudette Grable, Gloria Shewmaker, Janis Pahal, Mrs. Y. L. Lawson. ROW TWO: Barbara Harris, Emmanelle Owens, Georgia Ann Combs, Bonnie Cowen, Edna Walston, Jo Ann Price, Margaret Buchanan. ROW THREE: Dixie Donnell, Nina Roberts, Alice Degenhart, Irene Lawson, Janis Vogler, Jo Ann Holton, I.ouise Shults, Cleone Kiel. NOT PICTURED: Marilyn Riemer, Bartine Lane. 137