Dr. Baker is guest speaker at the Cavalier banquet. As a result of pledge week, the Cavaliers increased their membership by five. An informal initiation held at Bee Rock paved the way for their entrance into the club. February 10 was the date for their informal banquet at the Mayfair Hotel. Dr. Richard C. Baker was the speaker. Along came May, and the Cavaliers and their dates took off to They Sponsor A Loan Fund For Deserving Students Russell Mertens ....................... ....................... .. President Bill Sightes .. .................................. .. ........ Vice-President Don Martin ...... ..... ....... ... ............... Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Richard F. Staar ............................................ SponsaT Petit Jean State Park for the annual spring outing. The Cavalier Club project for 1956 again was to increase the club Loan Fund . The Cavalier Club Loan Fund is especially provided for the benefit of worthy students who need financial help. Miss Margie McGinnis was selected as Club Queen, and nominee for Petit Jean Queen. Cavalier - ROW ONE: Marjorie McGinnis. ROW TWO: Bill Sigh ts, Charles Vogler, Donald Warnock , Kenneth Harrison, Russ Mertens, Ken S ights , James Welch . 130