1955-1956 Yearbook

l-Ielping l-Iands For A Foreign Student Ronald Coble .................................................... President Dick Richardson ... .............. ..................... Vice-President ·Pete Ward ........................................ Secretary-Treasurer John Ingalls ........................................... ........ ......... Scribe Mr. Charles Pitner ................................... ........... Sponsor The Alpha Phis began their busy year with a stag outing n ear Bee Rock. It was this night that Andee King was chosen to be their club queen. Following this, they put their h eads together to make plans for a busy week for their seven lowly pledges. The week was concluded with a wonderful supper at the home of their club sponsor, Mr. Charles Pitner, Members give ref~hments to pledges. and the final initiation at Red Bluff. The club went to the Mayfair on February 11 for an evening "Under the Big Top. " After enjoying a year of fun they worked together in helping bring Sin Ho Kim to Harding from North Korea . The year was climaxed with their spring outing at Petit Jean and their club brea kfast at the home of Mr. Pitner. Alpha Phi Kappa - ROW ONE: Ed Rockwell, Chun Han, George Vue, Dave Feider, Dick Richardson , Bob Scott. ROW TWO: James Smith, Larry Stone, Jerry Campbell, Jerry Mitche ll , Jim Borden , Louis Eckstein. ROW THREE: Charles Pitner, Merlin Ward. John Ingalls, Pete Ward, Joel Gardner. Ron Coble. NOT PICTURED: Owen Olbricht. Carroll Voights. Bill Williams, Jim Gilfil en. 128