These Were Known For Scholas~ic Achievemen~ Alpha Honor Society - ROW ONE: Norman Dykes, Larry Horne. Bob Holloway, Jack McNutt, J. D. Ewing, Neale Pryor. ROW TWO: Klaus Gocbbels, Stanley Schwartz, Louise Shults, Faye Paxson, Charles Pittman. NOT PICTURED: Ronald Bever. In the s]iring of 1936 Dr. R. R. Coons, former Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, was instrumental in the establishment of the ALPHA HONOR SOCIETY on the Harding campus. This organization has as its aim the encouragement and recognition of scholarship among students. Membership is open only to members of the junior or senior class. Juniors must have completed Honor Students Annelle Northcut Jack McNutt 125 80 semester hours with a scholarship index of 3.7 and a senior must h ave completed 112 hours with a level of 3.5. The six members elected to membership this spring brought the total membership to 128. Each year the society presents a medal at Commencement to the senior with the highest four-year scholastic record.