1955-1956 Yearbook

THE HOME MANAGEMENT HOUSE-named Echo Haven, offers valuable training in various phases of household management . In 1939, on Thanksgiving Day, alumni and visitors gathered on the Ilarding campus to see the burning of the mortgage representing the debt. In June, 1954, !larding celebrated her thirtieth school year. She had se(,n the completion of a physical plant valued at over $5,000,000 and a substantial start toward a permanent endowment. On ly a kw weeks before, Harding received fu ll accreditation by the North Central Assoc iation of Colleges and Secondary Schools. During the cdebration Dr. B4?l1son outlinC'd plans for a new 21 '2 nlillion dollar C'xpan~i()n program primarily on tlw graduate level. M .A. degrees, available in the fields of Bible, religion and education will later be offered III bl lsiness administration. THE SCIENCE BUILDING _ is a three-story classroom and laborator y structure. Its laboratories. with accompanyi ng stockrooms , and offices provide facil ities for the physical and biologi cal sciences. home economics. mathematics and communicative arts. 9