1954-1955 Yearbook

Seated: Iva Lou Langdon, Mrs. W. B. West. Standing: Emily Travis, Joy Womack, Jan Kimpel, Mary Bob Barber, Patsy Craig, Lorene Smith, Susie Bryant, Mary Dunn, Carol Trent. Not pictured: Gloria Smith, Tillie Watson, Dixie Faulkner. Wanda Croft, Ramona Stallings, Pat Stine, Betty Holloway, Betty Warfel, Sally Hottel. WHC Iva Lou . Langdon Patsy Craig Katie Sampson Susie Bryant Mrs. W. B. West, Jr. Any cold wet spagheLLi left over from the WJI.C. informal ( very informal! ) initiation was sav~d for next year. The fifteen new pledges wished all of it cou ld have been left over . They all li ved through the eve ntful experi ences at Wyldewood, h{)"cvcr~ to enj oy several bunking parties at theirsponsor's home and the famed traditional Country Su ppcr on January 14 at the Legion Hul. Their fun ~' t~nded to includ e a Spr ing outing at Camp Tah - kodah, April 18, and a n afternoon of working on the n~\\ park. The group chose as th e ir projects sponsoring tlH' Hpeanut pals" in Cathca rt Dorm at Christmas and making dolls for the children in the Arkan sas Deaf and Blind School in LiLLIe Hock. 93 President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Reporter Sponsor WHC's convert Mrs. West's living room into bunk house.