1954-1955 Yearbook

Seated: Sam Haynes, Boyce Dobyns. Standing: James Hearn, Doyle Helm, Kenny French, Alfred Couch, Bill Powers, James Withers, Billy McDaniel , Tony Pippen, Glenn Kays, Sugar Stewart, Jim Atkinson, sponsor. Not pictured: Jim Chandler, Mac Angel, Paul Summitt. TRI SIGMA DELTA t-evvis Stevvart Doyle Helms . James Hearn Jim Atkinson Pledges didn't take to Tri Sig version of "kick-apoojoy-juice." 92 President ........... V ice President Secretarr-Treasurer ................................ Sponsor Murphy's Lake vvas the scene of the informal initiation of eight men into the ranks of the Tri Sigma Deltas. Many stag outings filled the year's activities, plus the monthly dinner meetings at the Rendezvous. December 3 changed the Rendezvous' Blue Room into "The House of Blue Lights" for the Tri Sig annual banquet. Jimmy Lyons vvas the speaker; blue lights and entertainment in the blue mood provided atmosphere. April 25 vvas the date for the spring outing to Blanchard Springs. The Tri Sigs' project for the year vvas helping to raise money for the Heart Fund Drive. Their contribution totaled $210.73.