1954-1955 Yearbook

The dim lights of Cafe Regine cast the atmosphere for the annual Regina banquet. The theme of "So This Is Paris" cast a light of foreign ways for the Reginas and dates on March 5. At the begi nning of the 1954-55 year, the Regi nas were in - creased by nine, who were initiated formally at the home of Mrs. Joe Pryor, sponsor. May 2 was the date for their trip to Blanchard Springs, the site of the spring outing. Other activities centered around gay Christmas and Valentine parties at Mrs. Pryor's home. Four more pledges were taken in at the start of the second semester. The Regina project is the annual presen ta tion of the Regina Spirit Award to the senior whom the senior class thinks best personifies the Harding spirit. New members are treated royally by President Futrell. Fall Peggy Futrell . Ramona Thompson Ann Petree Mrs. Joe Pryor REGINAS President V ice President Secretary-Treasurer Spring Ramona Thompson Lora Ann Oliver Virginia Baker Sponsor PInt ro",: Ann Belue, Claudette Harris. Ann Petree, Joy Bell, Carol Cato, Lora Ann Oliver, Nadine Pate, Ramona Thompson. Second row: Betty Floyd, Betty Jo Cole, Cathy Dusenbery. Mrs. Joe Pryor, Peggy Futrell, Virginia Baker. Nona Williams, Jo Anne King, Dua Wright, Frosty Hagan. Not pictured: Mary Ann Smith, Peggy Gross, Melba Sands.