1954-1955 Yearbook

Socks of grey, socks of gold .. . wha t a sight we're to behold . .. This li ttle "or igin al" song expressed the sentiments of Tri-Kappa pledges as they entertained their pledgemasters after a candlel ight initiation ceremony held this year in Echo Haven. The club celebrated its seventh birthday with a spaghetti dinner at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cliff Ganus, and went all the way to Rome on January 14, for their banquet in order to toss "Three Coins in the Fountain ." May 2 was the date of the spring outing held this year at Camp Tahkodah. Other events not to be forgotten are popcorn parties, a Spanish supper, "wide-awake" club meetings, and constructing "rocks" for the banquet. A fireplace screen was presented to Echo Haven as the TriKappa project of the year. Tri-Kappas work hard at business meeting. TRI KAPPAS Jo Ann Seay Yvonne Davis Joan Haynes Betty Helm Pa tsy Prevett Mrs. Cliff Ganus President V ice President Secretary-Treasurer Reporter Song Leader Sponsor rlrSt row: Patsy Prevett, Carol Stubblefield, Camille Anderson, Jo Ann Seay. Betty Weldon, Yvonne Davis, Joan Westbrook, Reva Beene, Norma Carpenter. Second row: Lolita Williams, Mary Etta Grady, Bonnie Cates, Quell 150m, Helen Rice, Mrs. Clifton Ganus, sponsor, Belty Helm, Janis Lyles, Joan Haynes, Alta Cheeck, Flora Rutherford. Not pictured: Gracie Coburn, Jessie Lou Fondren, Annette Hendrix, Mary Ellen Fletcher, Mrs. Glenn Olbricht.