First row: Bill Morgan, John Guffin, Bob Brown, Flora Rutherford, Burl Hoggins, Jerry Mart in, Clarence DePew, Dicky Burt. Second row: Bill Cox, Joe Darrah, Satoru Numajiri, Marion Baker, Lawrence Crawford , Gerald Tenney . Third row: Glenn Organ, Mayer Phillips, Harold Sisco, Jack McNutt, Jim Atteberry, sponsor, Charles Cook, Homer Wright, Dave Lennington, Carter McCorkle, Richard Gee. Not pictured: Ken Noland, James Warrington, Bob Turnbow. DELTA IOTA Bob Brown President Jack McNutt Vice President Lawrence Crawford Secretary-Treasurer Marion Baker Parliamentarian Satoru Numajiri Reporter Dr. J. D. Bales and Mr. Jim Atteberry .................... Sponsors The spring Delta Iota outing was just too much for Joe! 74 The first semester of the 1954-55 school year increased the Delta Iotas by eight. After a week of pledging, the neophytes were "welcomed" into the ranks by an informal initiation at Bee Rock. The D. 1.'s began the second semester with an elaborate banquet on February 4. The theme was "End of the Rainbow." Sponsor Jim Atteberry was speaker of the evening, using as his subject some of the more outstanding characteristics of the club members. Entertainment was provided by club talent. With the coming of spring, the Delta Iotas answered the call of the wide open spaces by journeying to Blanchard Springs on April 25. Club meetings, stag outings, and meetings in the swimming pool have all gone together to make a successful year.