,- - ·.And Projects Unlimited And then spring sprung. Hardingites headed for the wide open spaces. Places like Petit Jean State Park, Blanchard Springs, and Camp Tahkodah were filled with fresh air seekers on the pretty Mondays during spring. Again good food was the order of the day. After some eight hours of the great outdoors, the groups dragged into the campus to settle down once more to looking out the classroom windows. Club projects compose another phase of social club life. Here again, variety is the order of the day with the projects having only one thing in common - some form of service to other people. Yet the effort put into these services seems to add as much to the warmth and companionship found in social clubs as do the activities devoted solely to fun. Jim Smith, an Alpha Phi; Mrs. Glass, librarian; and Joann Seay, a KKK, admire the silver tea service given the library by the Alpha Phi Kappa and KKK club. Three clubs - the Sigma Tau Sigma, Frater Sodalis, and Lambda Sigma - joined together in the project of painting the church building (or the colored con. gregatian. Early morning practice was a daily event for a full month preceding the May Fete which is sponsored by the Ju Go Ju Club. Patsy Craig, Kenny Perrin, Rex Davis, Iva Lou Langdon - Sub T's and WHC's - pose in (ront of the trophy case placed in the Student Center as a WHCSub T project. Mounting the pictures for the senior panels which are placed in the hall of the Science Building is the annual project of the L. C. Club. I • ,,(~CCJ n(l~t! Q !l (I , (JO!l~ '" ,::: C Cl-Uu ,'i' r C :: C !) "O~() !) t) (l !)