1954-1955 Yearbook

Big Seven All-Stars - KNEELING: C. V. Combs, Don Brown, Dave Lennington. STANDING: Paul McCullough, Ken Perrin, Jack Gathright, Joe Gardner, Pete Ward. Big Seven Champions, The Sooners - KNEELING: ill King Joe Gardner accepts the Outst8nd~ lac Player Trophy for the All~ &tar Game. Edsel Hughes, Benny Sanders. STANDING: Paul McCullough, Ken Perrin, Louis Stephens. NOT PIC~ TURED: Jim Withers, Don England. It was nip and tuck tilroughout the season as each hardwood hopeful did his best to outclass tile other. The Big Seven struggle for tile crown ended with Ken Perrin's Sooners carrying off the spoils. In the big game of the season, the underdog Big Seven All-Stars rose to the occasion and defeated the Big Ten All-Stars in a thrilling game 69-63. The Outstanding Player Award went to Joe Gardner, sterling Big Seven forward who hit consistently from all angles. DePew, Alexander, Dewitt Ki ihnl, James White, Gerald Ransom, Jim Shur~ bert. 59 Terry Stine and Bob McAuley do some rough rebounding while teammates look on.