1954-1955 Yearbook

CLIFTON LLOYD GANUS, JR. was born in Hillsboro, Texas, April 7, 1922. When he was a small boy, his family moved to New Orleans, La. Upon graduation from Warren Easton High School , New Orleans, in 1939, he enrolled at Harding College where he majored in history and Bible receiving a B.A. degree in 1943. Following this, Cliff preached for two years at Charleston, Miss., where he also coached for the high school. In the spring of 1946 h e obtained an M.A. degree in history from Tulane University and the following fall returned to his Alma Mater as Associate Professor of Social Sciences. He became Professor of History, Chairman of the Department of History and Social Science and Dean of the School of American Studies in 1952. A Ph.D. III history from Tulane University was attained in 1953. While a student at Harding, Cliff contributed much to extracurricular activities. As a professor, he has continued to have a wide variety of interests, holding membership in numerous academic and civic organizations. He has preached regularly most of the time - Williford and Bay being the two chief places. Other activities include sponsoring the Sub T club, being class sponsor, and taking a very active part in all sports. For eight years, 1944-52, he was president of the Harding Alumni Association. 4 Dedication. • • To one who makes his courses both interesting and educational; who sets the example of Christian living whether in the classroom or in the gym; who has worked for the good of Harding first as a student and now as a professor, and who has been an ideal class sponsor to us for three yearsto CLIFTON LLOYD GANUS, JR. - we dedicate this 1955 Petit Jean. - The Class of '55 The Ganus Family: CliIton L10yd III and Deborah; Clifton, Jr., Charles. and Louise. Cliff and Louise, then Louise Nicholas - a '42 graduate, were married May 27, 1943, just after his graduation from college.