32 Bible Faculty - John Lee Dykes, Jack Wood Sears, Jesse P. Sewell, J. D. Bales, Andy T. Ritchie, Donald Sime, Conard Hays, W. B. West, Leslie Burke, Evan Ulrey. • • • In Bible Classes Even though not all of us will devote our lives to preaching or missionary work, the Bible classes are of great value to us. Here we learn more about the Bible itself from Genesis to Revelation. We have an opportunity to study the evidences for Christianity, the history of the church, or to learn about religions other than Christianity. On the practical side, we may take courses that are particularly concerned with the work of the local church or the religious education of children. Such courses will help us culturally and spiritually throughout our lives - and will better prepare us to help those with whom we come in contact. Don Sime instructs the Church History class. Dr. West's private library gave students valuable assistance. They study to show themselves approved.