1954-1955 Yearbook

of the experiences that a student never forgets at Harding is the daily chapel services. Here he joins fellow students for a short devotional followed by varied programs. In s p ira tion is F 0U ndin W 0 rs hip and Fellowship • • • Something which surpasses mere bui ldings, libraries, laboratories, or trained faculties characteri zes Harding College. What attracts and holds loyal supporters is the love for God and His Son that pervades the atmosphere. The teachers aim to better instill the love of Christ and knowledge of His commandments into the hearts and minds of their students. Students come from far and near 5e!'king the unique qualities to be found here. Worship, whether in private devotionals or in public, is the core of life at Harding. There are many formal occasions of worship - Sunday services, chapel, Monday night meeting, and prayer meeting. Likewise, there are informal periods of worship - vespers and private devotionals. The strength drawn from our fellowship here will help to sustain us spiritually throughout life. work done by the students who went to the county farm each Sunday afternoon taking the Lord's Supper and conducting for the unfortunate people there was truly a pleasure for all.