1954-1955 Yearbook

Home management house provided valuable training for future holders of a MRS. degree. Duane McCampbell and Leon Goff prepare a speech for Pro£. Ulrey's class. Whether Swimming, Calculus, or Shakespeare From thirty-seven different states and six foreign countries, we came to Harding College. We didn't talk alike and in many instances didn't think or feel alike. But on one point we all agreed - we believed that at Harding we could find the type of education we desired, that is, a Christian education coupled with high academic standards. The GENERAL EDUCATION program required of every student who graduates lays a solid academic foundation on which advanced courses can build. This integrated course of study is designed to broaden the student's intellectual perspective and to help him see the inter-relation of various areas of knowledge. Many students are introduced in fields of study that challenge their interest and later become their major fields. Basic in the program of Harding is the course in Bible or a related field each student takes each semester. Harding offers major work in SIXTEEN DEPARTMENTS, but various inter-departmental and broad-area majors have been scheduled. In addition, broad area majors may be arranged to suit the specific needs of the student. A listing of the sixteen departments includes: art; Bible, religion and philosophy; biological science; economics, business and political science; education and psychology; English and humanities; foreign languages and literature; general science; history and social science; home economics; journalism; mathematics; music; physical education and health; physical science; and speech. Mr. Fulbright instructs Carolyn Pogue in Here's a case where it pays in credit hours to make like a fish.