1954-1955 Yearbook

I Allen's Bakery Bernie Schrable and Darrell Skinner, both Harding students, assist Ronald Harrist in buying his favorite cookies. When planning an outing or party, remember we always have the finest bread and pastries. Baker's Friendly Shoes Jalman for men Twentyones for ladies Phone 1014 Searcy, Arkansas Kroh's The latest styles in ladies apparel. Harding Co-eds are welcome. Phone 681 Searcy, Arkansas 214 Firm Foundation Publishing House • • * Printers and Publishers • • • Engraved and Printed Letter Heads, Envelopes, Office Forms, Personal Stationery, Wedding Invitations, etc. • • • Dealers in Bibles and' Testaments, all sorts of Religious Books, as well as Children's Books. • • • 6-2651 - Phones - 6-2652 3110 Guadalupe St. Austin, Texas I - ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE ~ . Trawick's Appliance Store For the finest of electrical appliances and repair work, come to TRAWICK'S. We feature Crosley and many other nationally advertised appliances.