1954-1955 Yearbook

First row: Bettie West, Abigale Lucena, Modena Harwell, Deanna Roten, Loreta Huffard, Aileen Wilbur. Pat Street. Second row: Betty Fogarty. Marcia Van Sandt, lia Verne Crews, Miss Bula Moudy, sponsor, Mary Torres, Lou Alice Martin . Not pictured: Sue Akers, Janice Osburn, Shirleene Gower. Velma DeMedina, Elizabeth Smith, Shirley Abrams. Fall IIa Verne Crews Mary Torres Deanna Roten . Loreta Huffard Betty Fogarty Modena Harwell Bula Moudy SUB -DEB President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Reporter Deb-at-Arms Historian Spring IIa Verne Crews Sue Akers Deanna Roten Mary Torres Janice Osburn Modena Harwell Sponsor Time out from club meeting for picture taking. 176 Each Sub-Deb member was truly a "Sophistica ted Lady"' escorted by a handsome gent to the banquet in the Terrace Room of the Mayfair Hotel on Feb.-uary 26. Decorations were in pink and black with the centerpiece being of pink carnations and programs and place cards of black imprinted with gold. Earlier in the year these same girls were seen informally attired for the preliminary initiation of pledges' at the h ome of Deanna Roten - "guests" were served Hadacol and blue cheese. Later the semi -formal , candlelight initiation ceremony was h eld at Loreta Huffard's home. A spring outing on May 2 climaxed the year's activities.