1954-1955 Yearbook

Jane Bill Jim Charles Keith Marion MARION STEPHENS - Hazel to her fri ends. A Home Ec major who took special inte rest in boys ' choi rs. KEITH STOTTS - a man with v ision; seen plugging hard for a Christian school in Ohio. BILL WOODRUFF - olle of the most sincere and fri endly fa ces on campus. JANE SUTHERLIN - student, {riend par excellence; remembered on senior class outing for her "Stout Hearted Men " prayer. JIM TUTTLETON - one of those h oodlums; mad fiend for baske tball. CHARLES YALE - good student with a passion for loud sport shirts. Betty discovers one of the favorite outing pastimes - wading; the cold came later. Tommy, Barbara, and Rex "get a thrill" out of looking at the newly arrived rings. 154