1954-1955 Yearbook

Jewell Bob Joan Richard Tommy Paul Ken Bonnie BONNIE McADAMS- nol~d for· looks , basketball prowness. and friendly smi le in book store. KEN NOLAND - ·'For Whom the Bells Tolled. " Energy plus; kept campus wheels on the go. JEWELL OZBIRN - busy housewife who found plenty of time to keep grade average high. BOB NOSSAMAN - sett led down to married bliss, but sl ill took an active part in campus life ranging from sports to business end of PJ. JOAN NANCE - better known as " Jinks. " Always had a smi le for everyone, even when "flunking. " (n RICHARD PFLAUM - another sign language enthusiast. li as 11)ts of "team spirit" in sports . TOMMY PARRISH - anot·her campus stand -out who set high records in schola r·ship and sportsmanship. PAUL McCULLOUGH - has lots of confidence and gets a rea l joy out of living. Likes to play ba sketball. KEN PERRIN - a gay lad w ith an eye for the basket as well as for the ladies; could easily be found on the front row in class. SAM NUMAJIRI - could always be depended upon to have a warm sm ile and a ready greeting for all as they came to dining hall. Ke n Sam 150