Norma Hollis JENNIE MAJORS - always ready for a big laugh; offered a ready sm ile while serv ing- food in the dining hall. JAMES MAXWELL - plugged hard for IRe club; married and active in sports on campus. JOE MATTOX - realized ambilion of marrying before enlering med school. Especially good in sports and chemislry explosions . PAUL MAGEE - needs no inlroduclion. Sludent Council prexy, good scholar, good friend, good husband. NORMA LEE - neat in many ways. Norma has big plans in mind for the future. I-IOLLIS MAY NARD-"nice fake " who spilled the popcorn (spoken in sign language ,of course ) could be heard coming from Armstrong 102 a lmost any nig-ht of the week. At the fall outing at "Red's Place," Glenn and Kathyrn look on while Clift cooks the hamburgers. The 1954 spring outing at Latona -Jane. "Red" and Jerry prefer making hamburger patties to slicing onions, 148