1954-1955 Yearbook

Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Pickens entertain the Big Sisters, from Fall to Spring • • Green was the predominant color in SEPTEMBER, as freshmen and transfers over-ran the campus. The first week of classes, the college held its rail meeting, with Dr. George Benson speaking - so we really dIdn't have time to be homesick. Recorded music during meals and spontaneous hymn sings around the lily pond taught new students, and reminded old ones, that "At Harding We Sing." Registration finished, classes went full speed ahead. Campus organizations lined up their yearly activities and students met the Bison, the campus newspaper. Life was quiet and peaceful in the bright OCTOBER weather. Then, Bang! Pledge week for social clubs began. Songs, odd jobs, umbrellas on cloudless days and dates were the order for the week. Pledges for one of the women's clubs even watered the flag pole, but it didn't grow an inch. The Bison AlI·Star basketball game was viewed with mixed emotions! Hot chocolate served by the Student Council sf· ter Christmas caroling in icy weather . ... 1954 PJ Queen - Betty Helm - reigns over 1955 PJ chapel program. Sophs reveal true nature at party in the Emerald Room. Japanese tea party - part or the LR.C. chapel program.