Manager Adlai S. Croom tells of founding of Harding College. Dean L. C. Sears describes the struggles of Harding College during her early history. The Honorable Francis Cherry, Governor of the state of Arkansas, commends Harding. fromDec ades 0 f PIann i n g, and HardW 0 rk become president. He was greeted by a very low operating budget and a $76,000 debt resulting from the struggle to survive during the rocky years just past. Dr. Benson immediately set to work to remove the indebtedness and to improve the financial status of the college. By Thanksgiving Day, 1939, hundreds of alumni and· visitors were enabled to watch the public burning of the mortgage representing this debt. As the years passed, Harding continued to grow although the war called a temporary halt to her outward progress. Then early in 1948 Dr. Benson announced the opening of a financial campaign designed to raise $1,500,000 for seven additional buildings. Friends and honored guests of Harding enjoy a banquet in the Emerald Room of the Ganus Student Center. Since that day, as we all know, the money has been raised and the buildings completed. But Harding is not static. Beginning this spring a Master's Degree in Education will be offered. Plans are also being made for offering an M.A. in Business Administration in the near future and for further development of the Graduate Department. At Harding today we have much to be thankful for - the educational opportunities which are ours, the excellent facilities for our use, the friendships made here ... Yet, perhaps most of all we are thankful for the abiding spirit of Harding expressed in the words of our Alma Mater, "Christian standard is her motto; Christian life is stressed ..." Barbecue with all the trimmings is served to some 2500 people at the conclusion of the celebration.