1952-1953 Yearbook

Small Chorus PrHldent ---------------------------------- Don Goodwin Secretary ------------------------------ Haney Mc:Daniels Dlrec:tor ------------------------.,---------- Andy T. Rlic:hle Ask anyone in chorus and they will assure you that those not in chorus are missing one of the most enjoyable experiences of their life at Harding. The chorus is made up of 100 members from student body who have tried out for membership. Music ability as well as love for singing and willingness to work make up some of the requirements for admission. Each week the chorus records a 15-minute radio program, "Hymns from the Harding Campus", which is now heard on 34 stations in several states. Regular rehearsals of the chorus are on Monday night from 7:45 to 9:00, and Wednesday night from 8:30 to 10:00. Special rehearsals are called to prepare for chorus trips and special programs. And speaking of chorus trips--everyone on the campus has heard of the fun and inspiration that the chorus enjoys while motoring across the country in "Aunt Rena" (the bus). The first trip of the year during the Thanksgiving vacation was through Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. We alao drove into and backed out of Florida. As usual many clubs and crazy songs originated on the trip. But we must not forget the great inspiration that we receive from Andy in singing hymns and spiritual songs to God. Without him, chorus would not mean to us what it does. Andy is not only a director; but he takes part in the fun and hard work as one of us. In years to come, it will be the inspirational times that we best remember. While singing our Alma Mater coming onto the campus from a chorus trip, we realize how wonderful Harding really is, where Christians can get together and have such wonderful times. YOUR LEGS, Joe, what happened? ALL EXCEPT BOB and Wayne were too busy eating to pose for the plc:ture. AHDY ASKS Don Goodwin, prHldent, and Haney Mc:Danlel, Secretary, Just when the next chorus trip will be, February 18 or March 11, 1152 or 1953. COME OH, AJIIDY, Aunt Rena's ready. 89