94 1\III r ... G IRLS' GLEE CLUB. Top row: Eileen Snure, Helen Nove, Jane Neill. Second ro .... : Hele n Poplin, Mllry El len W illers, EI,ie Norton. Th i rd row: Verll Young, Carolyn H ovey, I rm/! Coons , Fourt h row: Llovdene Sonderson, Audrey McGuire, Sorba, ,, Do nee, Sorber ll Cooper, Boni l e Stllnderford, J essie Lou Smi t h, Mllry J o Hore, Alice Sl rllugh ll , Lilly W(!.."en, Peer! Mahlln, Sue Cre.... s, Ruth A nn Too l hm/lll, Ruth Mlljors, Eunice Hoglln, Joe Flint , B(lrbore Mllns, Gene Chesshi r, Virgi n;" Murdock. Fifth row ; Rif" Beld...-in, Roberto Cohea, Louise Zinter, Mortho Clart, Genevieve Henry, Mottie Lou Geer, Do t lullon, Margllret See, Dol Mllshburn, Glori" Milton. Bottom row: Evelyn Rhodes, M II,i ty" McClug9l1QII, Eilline Hoover, S,uGh Ker r, Bettye Kell, Jean J ewell, Susie Shlluberger, Mllline Richesin, Betty Yake . A PRETTY GIRL is like a melody-true; but when a group of pretty girls gather to sing lovely melodies the result is overwhelmingly beautiful. The Girls' Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs_ Florence Jewell, is a valuable as well as ornamental o;ganization at Harding . Though not depending on their looks for applause, the Men' s Glee Club presented a varied program which was well received. An "unexpected" visit from a donkey delighted the audience_ The Men's Quartet and the Girls' Sextet also added a great d eal to our musical atmosphere. They made several public appearances and radio performances throughout the year. Mrs . FLO RENCE JEW ELL o bt" ined her M. A. from Peabody St"t e Te"c hers' College. As voice tea cher, and hea d of the d epa rtment of music, her influence has been profound in mol d ing t he careers and lives of ma ny Hard ing students.