An added attra ction to the Men's G lee Club prog ram was the FACULTY QUARTET composed of Erie Moore, Robert, Bill Cook and And y Ritchie. Maybe not pure culture-but we surely enjoyed it. TO A WELL ROUNDED YEAR on the campus, and frequent activities in little Rod: in conjunction with other Arkansas chapters 0/ F.T.A. PALETTE CLUB brought color to the campus by MUlE TEACHERS OF AMERICA. Top row: J. Sheffield, M. Bishop, H o..'.r, J. Bryan!. Second row: H. Horseman, D. M,nhburn, E. U(Nuft, I. P.rham, J. Lankford, P. Slatton, B. Donee, S. Crews, J .... "'y. Third row: W. Ro iney, M. Herring , H. Sonner , l. W.r. l'1li. L. II.dman, M. Geer, W. Roe. Fourth row: M. Richesi n, W. ....1'1, E. &egge", C. Cronford. J. Houser, M. McCluggoge. R. y...,.t, H. Min9le, P. Foresee, V. Guest. S. Shouberger. Not ....1eI : W. Che.thom. B. Beomon, E. Compbell, I. Ellis , E. Eng les , Fowler, E. H.ys. C. Morr is, W. O'Bonion, R. Roqers , G. Sho F $!nth, C. W.rd. M. Worren , K. Yingling, G. Cotterlon, K. f ronk, L S... 1I1JpoMor) , f. C.thcort , Annobel lee (co.sponsors). annual exhibits in Godden Hall, and private .howing. by individual art .tudent•. Whether the talent was singing. teaching, painting. or writing. or just the appreciation of these, we saw Harding as an interesting place with a place for every interest. PALEnE CLUB. Top row: J omes Rheudosa, Dole Todd, Wesley Howk. Second row : Mrs. EI... a Phillips, Isuc Wil. lioms, Irmo Coons, Roberto Coheo, Barboro Rae , Betty Roemer. Third row: Roy Fo rmer, Ruth Bornschegel. Fourth row : Herbert Deon, Ed Gurganus, Bill Wilson. Bo ttom row : Fredo Gibson, Lois Benton . lorroine Akin , Ernestine Phill ips, Betty Riemer. Not pictur.d ; Wolly Roo. 89