1949-1950 Yearbook

Jam., A. Harding . born in Kentudy in 1848. was known as a great religious debator:, evargelist and educator. His courage, humility a nd faith in God made him the great man that he was. David lipscomb, born in 183 1. was rea red on a farm in Tennessee. In addition to his interest in Christ ian schools. he was a profound writer. an outstandi"g business man and a leader in his community because of his vision and unerring judgment. John N.lson Armstrong, born in Tennessee in 1870. devoted more than forty years to the work of establishing Christi an ed ucation. He is remembered for his friendliness. devotion to God , unselfishness. and self.sacrificing for his students and school. B.njamin Fr.n~ li " Rhod . , was born in Iowa in 1869. He h"d a keen wit. and a cheerful outlook on life. He loved young people. took" great interest in their activities, lind was " natural tellcher whose fi rst lIim was to ple"se God. WHO HAD AN INSPIRATION youth and that the ture of youth lay in Christian educat eir lives to that worthy ideal. courage, and resourcefulness did not unnotice , and soon men and women of kindred mbitions flocked to their cause. Those vines ToCia , at the mid point of this century, Harding Coli ge is a memorial not only to their vision but to the resplution and sacrifice by which they made it a reality. To that spirit, for which Harding has stood through years of to which she pledges allegiance In future dedicated. Petit Jean is