1949-1950 Yearbook

Top row: Mary Catherine Daniels, Opal Hanes, Ruby Hanes, Wanda Sorrels, Wanda Green, BoHom row: Belly Riemer, Joan Dov;s, Alma Sanderson, Mary Ellen Engles, Medrilh Cooper. Not pictured : Normo Sledge. Mary Jone Herrin, Betty Castleberry, Betty Beaman, Helen Te~ter, leah Boyd, Normo Sonderson, Mrs, Perry Mason (sponsor). TOFEBT FALL OFFICERS Presiden t - NORMA LOU SANDERSON Vice-President HELEN TESTER Secretary-Treasurer - OPAL HANES WINTER OFFICERS President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer 80 OPAL HANES WANDA GREENE BETTY BEAMAN THE MEANING of the word TOFEBT and a very worthy club motto is "To Our Father Ever Be True." The formal initiation ceremony was at the home of Mrs . Perry Mason, club sponsor. The girls looked lovely in the dim candlelight as they took their club vows. One of the most outstanding evenls for the club this year was their stag outing to Red Bluff. They went one Monday afternoon and had supper there. Ellen Engles' brother provided some of the entertainment for their formal banquet at the Mayfair. Their theme, the Rainbow, was beautifully carried out in their decorations. We have the Tofebts to thank for the pencil sharpeners in Pattie Cobb.