1949-1950 Yearbook

Top row : Woymo Hoyhunf, Oorofho Morgon, Joyce Tid ....ell, Joe Webb, Lilly Worren, Ruth Moiors, trmo Coons, Ernl$t ine Phillip$, Imogene Leonord. Bottom row: Setty Keith. El$ie Norton, Fredo Gibson, Anno Londrum, Mory El len Woter!. Not pich,r. d : Doris Richesin, Lindo Skinner, Georgio Webb, Ruth Ann Toothmon, G .... en Butterfield, Frone" l yn!!h, Mn. Erie T. Moore (sponsor). ·OTHERS before Ourselves" is the motto of the PHI DELTA social club, which was organized in 1944. Ther. were five charter members and they HItct.d purple and gold as their club colors. Th. Phi Delts had their Valentine Party at the church annex last year. Their banquet this year was It the Rendezvous and they used a unique theme , thIt of Marine life. Their decorations carried out the theme using mermaids, fish nets, anchors, etc. En. tho meal consisted of seafood. Mr. Erie T. Woor. rendered several solos, accompanied by .... Moore who is sponsor of the club. PHI DELTA FALL OFFICERS President - ELS IE NORTON Vice-President LILLY WARREN Secretary RUTH ANN TOOTHMAN WINTER OFFICERS President - FREDA GIBSON Vice-President - MARY ELLEN WATERS Secretary JOE WEBB 75