Top row: Phyllis Foresee, Mn, Joek Wood SetH' (sponsor), Redo Foye Lemb, Betty Nell McRee , Ett., lee Madden_ Marthe Weldon. Bottom row: Lo.... d.11 hili, Est,ll, Hamilton, Merry Suo Wood. Not pictured : Bobbie Spenser. METAH MOE IN THE FALL of 1944, several girls were asked I. volunteer to help form some new clubs. Ann Rich· mond (Mrs. Ed Sewell), Laura Lee Arms, and Bertha FALL OFFICERS President - - BETTY NELL McRAE Vice· President - - - - MARTHA WALSTON Secrelary.Treasurer - - - ETTA LEE MADDEN WINTER OFFICERS President - PHYLLIS FORESEE Vice· President ETTA LEE MADDEN Secretary.Treasurer - MARY SUE WOOD 70 Smith volunteered, and the METAH MOE Club "as organiled. Mrs. L. O. Sanderson was their first sponsor, and Maxine Grady. a present faculty member. was among the first to be initiated. During the club's five years of existence, it has carried on such varied projects as obtainin9 Christmas gifts for an orphan's home, sending money to missionaries, and wor~in9 at the County farm. This year the Metah Moes purchased linens for the kitchen in Pattie Cobb. Mrs. Jack Wood Sears is sponsor of the dub.