1949-1950 Yearbook

THE THREE ca ,;didates for Petit Jean queen were JUGOJUS this year-Bettye Kell , Kat hy Stubbleto.ld and evelyn Rhodes. The lovely May Fete is sponsored annually by the JuGoJu Club, and was ably engineered t his year by their vivacious spring term president. Lois ..n'... d. This is one of the most outstand ing events of the year because everyone is so eager to see who is crowned Queen of May. The JuGoJus went slant-eyed for their winter banquet and used a Japanese theme. At their stag skating party they spent most of the evening on the lIoor. JU GO JU FALL OFFICERS President - BETTYE KELL Vice· President LELA RAE McADAMS Secretary-Trea surer HELEN POPLI N WINTER OFFICERS President EVELYN RHODES Vice· President HELEN POPLI N Secretary-Treasurer - SHIRLEY PEGAN Top row: Eve lyn Rhodes, Dot 1u1lQ$$, J ennette Brad, Bettye Ke ll , Melba Haws, Helen Po pl in. Shirley Pe90n . ~ idd l . row : Ma rilyn McClu9gege, Eilline Hoover, Mar9ie McDearmo n, Mrs. l. C. Sea rs (sponsor). Rit e Nouemll n, loui" Zinse r, Dot M ~Hhburn. Bottom row: Lele Roe McAdams, l ois Benso n, Ba r bor" Cooper, Morilyn EVllrn, Ma ry Evelyn Hoys . Not p ictur.d : J ewell Combs. Klltlly St ubblefield. Vic lorio Gue st . 65