H H H FALL OFFICERS President - ELLA MAE LANCASTER Vice- President DOR IS Mci NTURFF Secretary-Treasurer MOZELLE WILLIAMS WINTER OFFICERS President MARGARET CHAFFIN Vice- President NOREEN COLTSON Secretary-Treasurer SU E ALLEN THE H CLUB wa, organized in 1946 with Dot Munger, Dot Baker, Lou Dugger and Norma Stephen, as charter members. Norma and Lou are now in Japan doing missionary work and Dot is in Germany. Five pledges were formally initiated in a candlelight ceremony thi, year at the Bergeron home_ Each of the new members was presented a white chry,anthemum, the club flower_ The Rendezvous was changed into a Winter Wonderland for the formal banquet of the H club_ After everyone had enjoyed the deliciou, food, Dr. Bale, gave an entertaining biographical ,ketch of hi, life at Harding_ April 25th the girl, donned their jean, and 'pent a day of climbing and boat riding at Petit Jean. Top row: Muriel Proctor, Louise Cotter, Coren~ Cotter, Ell., Mae lOnCoititer, Morgaret Chaffin. Middl. row: Etoile Gibson, Mozelle Williams, Juanita Woller, Bonita Stonderford, Sue Allen, Sue Sounders, Lurlyne R: 1chordson, JoHom row: Mattie Lou Geer, Doris Mcinturff, Noreen Colhon, Morgrettll McKenzie, Carolyn Hoyey, Nelda Holton (sponsor). Not pictur.d : Rosalyn lYl itchen.