1949-1950 Yearbook

Preside nt TQP roll .... : Bill Johns, Percy Froll nci s, John Wel sh, JQhn Merris, Kern Seollrs (spenser). Mi ddl, rQw : Ted Diehl , Larry Roberts, Glenn Beyd, Bill Curry, Dolin GoIIrner, Wayne Shewmollker, BQttQm row: King Tollo Zeoli, Gerollid Kendr ick, BQbby Peyton, Kenneth Rhedes, Ralph Diehl, Robert Hall. NQt pictured : RoIIlph Braden, Jack DolIyi $, Beyd DoIIY;$, Shirley Smith, Sidney Horton, Bi l ly Smith, Byren Cern, GALAXY OFFICERS "HITCH YOUR Wagon to • Star" was the impressive theme of the first GALAXY banquet in 1947. That year they also had a fine outing at Red Bluff and bought books for an orphan home's library in Kansas. How is that for a Year's activities for a newly organized club 1 Since then they have had many excellent club projects: selling Harding's home study Bible courses in Searcy and nearby towns; inserting a copy of the Harding Alma Mater in the college song books; and starting a bulletin which is mailed regularly to the Galaxy alumni. Vice-President - Secreta ry Treas urer GERALD KENDRICK TED DIEHL DON GARNER GLENN BOYD The Galaxy Club colors are blue and white. They have their regular club. meetings on Monday night and their club sponsor is Dr. Kern Sears. 62